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What happens when a deeply insecure yet narcissistic man becomes famous? That’s the main question that Dave is asking at this point. For two seasons, we’ve followed a fictionalized version of rapper Dave Burd, a.k.a. Lil Dicky, on his rise from meme to honest-to-God touring musician with a studio album. In that time, Dave went through a long creative drought, moved back in with his parents, and repeatedly alienated almost every important person in his life: his (now ex-)girlfriend Ally, hype man GaTa, roommate and manager Mike, childhood friend and producer Elz, and old co-worker and graphic designer Emma. — Ben Rosenstock, “Dave Season-Premiere Recap: Young and Wild

  1. Episode 10 Looking for Love
    Dave Season-Finale Recap: Certified Lover Boy Dave goes for his “nothing was the same” moment in the finale, but he continues to fail upwards, so everything is the same.
  2. Episode 9 Dream Girl
    Dave Recap: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Someone tell Rachel McAdams to run!
  3. Episode 8 Met Gala
    Dave Recap: Hollywood Pecking-Order Bullshit As we all know, Dave is canonically a sellout, no matter how pure his original ambitions are.
  4. Episode 7 Rebirthday
    Dave Recap: Actually Kinda Cute Dave and Robyn’s relationship is moving really fast.
  5. Episode 6 #RIPLilDicky
    Dave Recap: All About Content Dave’s encounter with his own mortality (and Anne Frank) forces him to consider the future of Lil Dicky.
  6. Episode 5 The Storm
    Dave Recap: The Belly of the Beast Dave might think he knows what’s best for his fans, but he has a lot to learn about the people who admire him.
  7. Episode 4 Wisconsin
  8. Episode 3 Hearsay
    Dave Recap: 50-Band Man It’s interesting (and devastating) to see how GaTa reckons with his success compared to how Dave handles fame.
  9. Episodes 1 - 2 Texas / Harrison Ave
    Dave Season-Premiere Recap: Young and Wild Dave might be a famous, honest-to-God touring musician with a studio album, but he’s finding out that fame won’t erase his old insecurities.
  • it can’t rain all the time Without Brandon Lee, The Crow Doesn’t Fly The textured humanity Lee gives The Crow is still its strongest asset, and 30 years after the film’s debut, still its most memorable quality.
  • close read The (White Rapper) Blueprint Dave manages to be the perfect depiction of the “white rapper’s” journey through the music industry.
  • chat room Phoenix’s Olympics Plan Was Thwarted by Bees A hive snafu led to the band’s Closing Ceremony set. “The only thing they told us was, ‘The athletes are going to be wild and possibly drunk.”

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