
Meet Donald Sterling's right-hand arm man.

Photo: Kelsey McNeal

“Based on Ramona Shelburne’s six-episode “30 for 30” podcast The Sterling Affairs, Clipped opens with a telling bit of narration from V. Stiviano (Cleopatra Coleman), the young personal assistant/sidepiece whose recording would eventually bring Sterling (Ed O’Neill) down. Though the series flashes briefly to the bombshell to come, creator Gina Welch works hard to set up the Clippers’ losing culture by starting with the man determined to change it: Doc Rivers (Laurence Fishburne), the newly appointed head coach of the 2013-2014 team.” — Scott Tobias

  1. Episode 6 Keep Smiling
    Clipped Series-Finale Recap: Rebuilding The Sterlings are gone, but this ugly moment in Clippers history continues to haunt everyone involved.
  2. Episode 5 The Best Words
    Clipped Recap: Silly Rabbit The Clippers get past the Warriors, but they can’t escape the media.
  3. Episode 4 Winning Ugly
    Clipped Recap: Get Out Doc’s first stint with the Clippers was also impossibly fraught.
  4. Episode 3 Let the Games Begin
    Clipped Recap: Game Day Clipped arrives at the most historic moment in Clippers history and puts the team’s decision into context.
  5. Episode 2 A Blessing and a Curse
    Clipped Recap: From Side Piece to C-suite Leaking your boss’s racist tirade to TMZ is not what Sheryl Sandberg meant when she said to “lean in,” but maybe it’ll work for V.
  6. Episode 1 White Party
    Clipped Series-Premiere Recap: The Clippers Curse Doc Rivers arrives to L.A. looking to turn the Clippers into a winning organization, but he has more off-court problems than he can handle.

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